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Permanent Resident Canada

How to Apply for Canadian Permanent Residency (PR)

One of the most popular places for immigrants to settle down and begin a new life is Canada. The Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs, and Family Sponsorship programs are just a few of the different routes to permanent residence that the Canadian government provides. However, one of the most frequent queries from people looking to immigrate permanently to Canada is how long it will take. We will talk about the length of the application procedure for Canadian permanent residency as well as the variables that may impact it.


Processing time for Express Entry program

You must file your application for permanent citizenship within 60 days after getting the invitation. We usually process Express Entry applications in six months or less after receiving your complete application.

  •  The processing period depends on the program
  • Your biometric data might need to be submitted with your registration. The time required for you to provide your biometrics is included in this processing period.
  • After you’ve filed your application, you can check your account to see where it stands.
  • View the applications you submitted” should be visited
  • Simply select “Application status and messages.” Web application status tracker of your application’s general state

The current status of each application step message, along with any extra actions that may be necessary.

Express Entry is a popular route for skilled workers to get permanent residency in Canada. Several factors, including the applicant’s nationality, education, work experience, and language proficiency, might affect the processing time for Express Entry application. The majority of Express Entry applications are processed within six months of the date of filing, according to the Canadian government. However, if there is a backlog of applications or the application requires more paperwork, the processing time may be longer.


Processing time for Provincial Nominee program

Another popular route for obtaining permanent status in Canada is through the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

Depending on the province and the program, the processing time for Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) varies in Canada. Each province has a separate PNP with unique qualifying requirements and processing timeframes. PNP processing times can often range from a few months to more than a year.

PNP processing times vary depending on a number of variables, such as the volume of applications submitted, the complexity of the application, and the availability of resources to process applications. Processing times may be impacted by may be impacted by the fact that some PNPs only have a limited number of spots available each year.


It is very important to be patient and well organized if you’re thinking of submitting an application for a PNP. Before submitting your application, double-check to be sure you have all the required paperwork and are eligible. You can also speak with an immigration lawyer or consultant for assistance with the application process and to help you deal with any problems that may emerge.

It is imperative to keep in mind that the processing time for PNPs might alter over time owing to a variety of factors, such as modifications to immigration laws, backlogs in the processing system, and other external factors. Always check with the particular PNP program you are interested in for the most recent processing time information.

Processing time for Family Sponsorship

Family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents may be sponsored for permanent residence in the country. The length of time it takes to process a family sponsorship application can vary based on the nature of the relationship and the sponsored person’s country of origin. According to the Canadian government, the processing time for spousal sponsorship is currently 12 months. The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is handling a large influx of applications.

For instance, it can take up to 20 months to process a parent or grandparent sponsorship application, compared to an average processing period of 12 months for spousal sponsorship applications.

Family sponsorship applications may take several months to over a year to process. External factors such as modifications to immigration policies, backlogs in the processing of applications, and other unforeseen events, may also affect how quickly family sponsorship applications are processed.

Planning beforehand and making sure you fit the requirements for sponsorship are crucial if you’re thinking about sponsoring a family member to immigrate to Canada. Additionally, you should be prepared to submit all required supporting documentation and information, and you should exercise patience at all times during the application process.

It’s crucial to remember that the processing time for family sponsorship applications may change over time and may not be the same in every instance. For the most recent processing time information, check the IRCC website. You should also speak with an immigration lawyer or consultant for advice on the application procedure.

Factors that may affect Processing Time

The main reasons why the process lags is if any of these situations apply:

  • Claims regarding criminal activities or security risks that must be verified.
  • More background checks are required.
  • You must submit additional papers or arrange an appointment if your family situation is unclear, such as if there are outstanding child custody issues following a divorce, or an unfinished adoption.

Several factors can affect the processing time for permanent residency in Canada, including the complexity of the application, the number of applications received, and the current processing times for each pathway.


Depending on the particular pathway and the circumstances of the applicant, the processing period for permanent residency in Canada can very. However, the majority of applications are handled in a timely manner, and the Canadian government is always trying to speed up the procedure and shorten the waiting period for applicants. If you are interested in getting permanent residency in Canada, you must learn about the various options and seek the counsel of an immigration lawyer or consultant to make sure you are eligible and that your application is good.


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